If you have changed your mind, you can return the ordered goods without explanation even before they have been sent to the delivery address. If you ordered and received the goods at the address, but you would still like something else, you can make an exchange. Complaints are made for goods that were delivered incorrectly or are incomplete due to some defects that occurred before or after packaging, but not by the customer.
Unilateral termination of the sales contract
Unilateral termination of the Agreement is possible within 14 days from the day of receipt of the shipment. It is a matter of a few simple steps, and filling out the Form for Unilateral Termination of a Distance Purchase Agreement and packing the product in a box with the said Agreement are the first in a series of these steps. The condition for termination of the aforementioned Agreement is that the purchased goods have not been used – if use (depreciation) has occurred, upon receipt of the returned goods in the warehouse, the supplier will evaluate the condition of the goods according to visible signs of use and accordingly determine what percentage of the refund will be paid to the customer. After filling out the contract termination form, send it to us via the e-mail address or by mail to the address Carp Cro Baits d.o.o. for services and trade, J.J. Strossmayera 78, 31500 Našice. After that, our customer support will contact you, and friendly agents will agree with you the details of the return; Purchased goods can be returned via the delivery service. We refund the money in the same way as the payment was made, i.e. by payment to the account if the payment was made by cash on delivery, and only after receiving the returned goods.
You can download the form for unilateral termination of a distance sales contract from this link in odt format, and you can fill it out electronically or physically after printing.
We recommend that you do not pick up the package before signing the delivery note, but open it in the presence of the delivery person and check the external appearance of the ordered goods in the package, especially if the package shows visible damage. If the goods have visible damage, defects or are goods that you did not order, please do not pick up the package – the delivery person will return it to us, and our customer support will contact you to arrange a new delivery of the correct goods or a possible refund in case the goods you ordered you want is not available. If you have received the ordered goods and subsequently discovered damages, defects or malfunctions that did not occur as a result of your handling, and before or just after the first use of the product, you must contact us within a maximum of 8 days from receiving the product. Feel free to contact our customer service, who will guide you through the steps to claim the product; the same includes collection of the old article and delivery of the new article without additional costs or refund in case the new article is not available.
Carp Cro Baits d.o.o. for services and trade reserves the right to reimburse costs incurred in the return process that is not justified, i.e. when the goods delivered are the ones that were ordered and do not have any damage, defects or malfunctions.